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Cold Weather And Compressed Air: What I hope you’ve done by now

rotary lobe pumps
by Eric Lunsford
December 12, 2016

Cold Weather And Compressed Air

With the worst of the winter weather about to arrive, I hope you’ve already done your winter preparation. If not – the sooner your compressed air system is taken care of the better.

In the cold weather the condensation in your control lines can freeze. This can result in your compressor controls not working and your in-line air pressure to plummet.

Worse still, your air compressor can be totally shut down if the condensation in your transducers freezes.

Winterizing Your Systems

Hopefully you’ve already winterized your compressed air system – making sure that your weather stripping is working and checking to see that any outdoor piping and equipment has enough weather stripping.

Make sure your air intake openings are protected from increased rain and snow. That’s just extra water for your dryers to deal with once they enter your compressed air system.

Check the insulation in the appropriate buildings. We need to keep that heat in for a reason right?

Maintenance That Can Be Overlooked

Check that your drains are working properly. As temperatures drop, improperly drained condensate can freeze up and clog the filters which can then contaminate your compressed air. If a drain trap is left open somehow, then moisture and particulates can enter your compressed air system.

Change your filters – blocked filters can put a lot of extra stress on your system over the winter – first older filters are less effective at removing all impurities from the air stream which can cause contamination. They can cause unnecessary pressure drops that decrease end use pressure which can in turn increase power consumption by your air compressors. Be sure to change your filters regardless of when they are next due before the start of winter.

There is our quick guide to keeping your compressed air system working during the colder months. We’ll be back to remind you to get ready for summer too.

If you’ve experienced trouble with your compressed air system thanks to the cold weather by all means get in touch with the team at here at Pye-Barker by calling 404-363-6000 or drop us a line and we’ll get your compressed air system back up to speed and ready for the colder weather ahead.

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