A lot of workshops and ‘less complicated’ compressed air systems owners often face a variation on which compressor option should we take?
The choice is between:
Installing single large compressor that can deal with the peak load of the system (as well as future increases in demand)?
Installing two compressors that have the same total output as the larger one but will have a lower power demand while they are unloaded.
To be fair when you buy an air compressor you are guessing or modelling what you think your future demand for compressed air will be over the life of the compressor. Which is not an easy task. Think about the money the National Weather Service spends trying to forecast tomorrow to get it wrong…
There are other options too such as a Variable Speed Drive or modulating inlet air compressors… as well as system design features like storage tanks.
Please see this article at https://pyebarker.com/most-efficient-air-compressor-size/
To learn more about this please visit us at pyebarker.com or contact us directly at sales@pyebarker.com
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