The decision to use a Positive Displacement pump (PD Pump) or a centrifugal pump is not always a crystal-clear choice. To make the right choice between these pump types, it is important to understand that they behave very differently. Today we’re discussing when you should choose a Viking positive displacement pump in Georgia.
Flow Rate Versus Pressure: The centrifugal pump has varying flow - depending on pressure or head - whereas the PD pump has more or less constant flow, regardless of pressure.
Flow Rate Versus Viscosity: Another major difference between the pump types is the effect that viscosity has on the capacity of the pump. The centrifugal pump loses flow as the viscosity goes up, but the PD pump’s flow actually increases. This is because the higher viscosity liquids fill the clearances of the pump, causing a higher volumetric efficiency. When there is a viscosity change, there is also greater line loss in the system.
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